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I would like to present “Phayanchana” project which was born of the idea from seeing that Thai alphabets can enter a bunch of imaginations and creative ideas until it becomes a project that help us to remember difficult consonants through visual memory! When I was a child, I recite Thai consonants by means of memorizing images, for example, Kor Kai has a sharp mouth like a chicken. It was easier to me when memorize by visual. So I designed all 44 characters to be able to tell what it is by designing them in the same letter format. Making it possible to memorize letters better. Howsoever this idea, in addition to helping to solve the problem of visual memory. It also encourages Thai people to see the beauty in Thai characters that hide the mean- ing of the letters used to call things. Therefore, I present my work of de- signing all 44 characters through a postcard format. It can also be a card game to promote learning and imagination for Thai children. It is also an export of contemporary art and culture in the form of design work to the foreigners. From a two-dimensional form to three dimensional by designing into various products that conveys the meaning of that letter, such as Kor Kai becomes an “Egg Cup” Phor Pha becomes a “Bottle Stop- per”. The design method uses the same principles as the font design: twist, tilt, stretch, thick to create a shape that is easy to understand and makes the Characters stand out which are easily recognizable and what hidden letter is in mean- ing of the Thai alphabet and you will love the Thai alphabets more.
  • อัศววิบูลย์พันธุ์